Stonfo Hook Release Tool
Your Price: $26.99
Product Description
A high quality tool to aid releasing trout quickly and easily without the need to handle them! A must for every angler
Three sizes, all sizes will work in NZ,
A great hook release tool that should be on very vest!!
Slide it down your tippet onto and over the hook - push it down against the hook bend and push the hook out - Done!!
Three sizes, all sizes will work in NZ,
- the Small size will fit over most smaller dries and nymphs #16 - #28,
- the Medium one over large flies #8 - #16 and will be a little easier to use.
- The Large size would be for larger fish and saltwater types size #8 and large hooks
A great hook release tool that should be on very vest!!
Slide it down your tippet onto and over the hook - push it down against the hook bend and push the hook out - Done!!
SF 615
Product Reviews: Stonfo Hook Release Tool
out of 5
Mike L
Location: Wakato
September 16th, 2023
Great wee tool - Light, strong, and well up to the job it is intended for.
Recommend to a friend? Yes
Quentin Forster
Location: Kaiapoi
May 3rd, 2018
A must have for every vest - Proper fish handling for catch and release purposes is very important. The use of barbless hooks makes using this tool even easier. It is a strong well built tool that I would not be without. Just slide the tool over the line and push down until you feel the hook and push the hook down. The medium size works for all the flies I use. Dry flies from size 10 to 18, no problem.
Recommend to a friend? Yes. Everyone should carry one of these.