A fly fishers journey 7 Secrets to becoming a great fly fisher.
  1. Be observant. – some people are naturals, they instinctively recognise what’s needed
    to find and avoid spooking the quarry, some of us need to learn this as we go.
  2. Learn from your fish – react to what they do.
  3. Seek knowledge – there are many sources for this – so do what suits you.
  4. Some of us are naturally sporty, and some of us take longer to learn, but all of us
    benefit from practice – practice makes perfect after all!
  5. Remember – doing the same old same old and expecting different results is well…
    well it nuts!!
  6. When things don’t work – go back to basics, which to me means up the stealth levels.
  7. And regardless of where you fit in on the journey – enjoy the ride and being out there
    in beautiful places!!